This story walks a remarkable line between grief and humor. The pile of losses and the unfairness of it all might be heartbreaking, but the choice of humor somehow carries us through, like survivors. I like the way you managed the revelations, one after another til the culminating sorrow. Haunting.

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I so appreciate this comment, Tara! Much of life, I feel is learning to walk this line through life despite what comes our way.

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Jul 9Liked by Karen Schmitt

The voice in this is so strong. You had me from the beginning, feeling enraged at the injustice of her treatment. This was gutting: “Well, just sayin’ laughing is sometimes the saddest thing you can do and still survive.” I appreciate the sensitivity and respect in this story.

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Oof. The humour really works well to reflect the awfulness of what happens, put it in sharp relief. The casual, throwaway-ness of the reference to the rape is really horrifying.

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